5 Ways to Celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday! Yoga Poses, Games, Books & Fun for All Ages

5 Ways to Celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday! Yoga Poses, Games, Books & Fun for All Ages

Celebrate Dr. Seuss' Birthday on March 2nd or anytime with these fun and easy kids yoga ideas. Make a truffula tree and a house for a mouse

Dr. Seuss’ Birthday

It is time to celebrate Dr. Seuss! He is known for his many silly, wacky and nonsense stories and characters.

Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ Birthday on March 2nd or anytime with these fun and easy kids yoga ideas.

yoga pose tree

Look at these Truffela Trees!

1. Be a Strong Truffula Tree!

How long can you hold Tree Pose? Try it with others and know that we are stronger together! The Lorax by Dr. Seuss)

child yoga poses

Rooftop Kids Yoga Partner Pose

2. Make a House for a Mouse

This fun partner yoga pose is perfect to try with kids! Partner Rooftop Pose (Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss).

Find all of your Kids Yoga Partner Poses in our bestselling Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.

kids yoga lesson plans

Get the best Kids Yoga Games & Activities instantly with our Go Go Yoga for Kids E-Store

3. Get your Body Moving

with Dr. Seuss ABC Dr.Seuss ABC book. As you introduce each letter of the alphabet, see if the children can form that letter with their body. This is also perfect for those kinesthetic learners that learn best while moving!

health and fitness expo

How many different letters can you make with your body?

flow and grow

4. Learn and Practice Yoga Poses

My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss is perfect for learning and practicing many yoga poses!

Kids enjoy this book based on colors and animals which makes it the perfect book to tie in yoga poses. Read the book aloud and demonstrate the corresponding yoga pose for each animal. The children can then practice the poses.

Yoga Pose Examples From the Book:

Red Horse: Horse Pose

Blue Bird: Warrior 3

Brown Bear: Down Dog with Bear Walks

Green Fish: Fish Pose

For an additionals visual the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards include all of these poses to help make it engaging for the children.Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards

Find more favorite read-aloud books with corresponding yoga poses and movement with our bestselling Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Lessons for Children.

No matter what….embrace the silliness that only Dr. Seuss can bring.

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Partner Yoga for Kids Class

What a blast it was to be back at Athleta for another fun kids yoga class. This time leading a Partner Yoga for Kids class. We warmed up our bodies with exercises to get our hearts pumping. Then got ready for our partner and group poses.

We got into out Partner Poses using our Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.

The yoga cards were perfect as we worked on mastering the 4 challenge levels with the included partner poses.

We continued with some fun team building group yoga poses with our Down Dog Tunnel. The kids loved it and did great!

We closed class with a Stillness and Savasana and with a few deep cleansing breaths. If you are looking to try out some more partner poses, see our tips on partner poses here.

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Fun Partner Yoga Poses for Kids to Show Off!

Fun Partner Yoga Poses for Kids to Show Off!

Kids love partner poses! They are fun to do and equally impressive to watch. Partner yoga poses for kids and working together as a group to accomplish a goal is fun and rewarding. It builds trust and community while building confidence.  It is helpful to have someone near similar size for some of the partner poses, but partner poses can definitely be modified.

Fun partner yoga poses for kids that can be done anywhere and anytime:

kids yoga teacher training

Double Boat: This partner pose looks absolutely stunning and impressive when done correctly. Have each partner sit facing each other, knees bent and touching toes. Have them hold hands and lift legs. The bottoms of their feet should be touching as this helps with balance. Then the partners, if able, straighten their legs and lean back slightly as if in a “V” shape.

Raindrop: Each partner lays on their back partner yoga poses for kidswith their heads touching. With their arms at their sides, they raise their feet above their heads to touch to make a giant raindrop.

I also like to call this pose a Fall Leaf or Hershey Kiss for Valentines Day kids yoga classes.

Double Down Dog: 

Kids love try the Double Down Dog Partner Pose, but it is one that must be demonstrated and taken slow. I like to have the students yoga pose apppractice their own Down Dogs quite a bit before moving into this partner pose.

partner yoga poses for kids

Double Down Dog

I like to use the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards to help demonstrate the partner yoga poses. It is a great way to provide a visual while talking about the partner pose.

The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards include 40 yoga poses, partner poses, and an additional set of 10 yoga games to play with the cards. Learn more here.Kids Yoga Challenge App

You can also find partner yoga poses with our Kids Yoga Challenge App found in the App store.

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