Who doesn’t love slime?!💚 Learn to make slime at home for kids of all ages to enjoy.🌸⠀
Learn how to make your own slimiest of slime! Our newest book Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children includes over 150 Yoga Games & Activities for Children!
Games and activities that are perfect for home, school, camps, and clubs!
Learn how to make your own slime below:
Easy to Make Slime Ingredients:
•2 bottles of school glue
•1 to 2 drops of liquid food coloring
•1/4 cup of glitter
•1 teaspoon baking soda
•2 to 3 tablespoons saline solution (like contact lens solution)

How to Make Slime at Home:
1. Pour the glue in a medium bowl and stir in food coloring and glitter
2. Add the baking soda and stir until smooth
3. Pour in 2 tablespoons of the contact lens solution and stir slowly until it begins to harden
4. Mix until a shape forms
5. Knead by hand until smooth. If it’s too slimy add another 1/2 tablespoon of contact lens solution