by admin | Sep 19, 2016
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Using Mantras While Teaching Kids Yoga: Mindful Teachers
Get Ready for the Winter Olympics…Yoga Style Daily Cup of Yoga
Best Yoga Poses for Growing Kids: Des Moines Parent
Yoga and Mindfulness Tips for Your Family: Yoga Iowa Magazine

The Top Breathing Exercises for Anxious Kids
5 Kid-Friendly Yoga Poses that Will Open Hearts and Minds
Celebrate the Solar Eclipse with these Family Friendly Yoga Poses
Jungle Adventure for Kids
How Yoga Taught Me One Valuable Lesson I Will Never Forget
5 Fun Yoga Games for Kids & Adults with an Inner Child
5 Ways to Cure Kids’ Cabin Fever with Yoga
Take the Kids Yoga Challenge
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by sara | Nov 13, 2017 | Kids Yoga Lesson Plan, Mindfulness, Presenting, Yoga at School, Yoga Poses
Affirmations and mantras can be an important tool to help children develop positive foundations on which to grow. A positive self-belief system built in childhood will hopefully stay with a person throughout their life. While attending the National Kids Yoga Conference, I got the pleasure of meeting Erin Hurley, an elementary school guidance counselor from Virginia. Erin was also named “School Counselor of the Year” for her school district.
She is the kind of guidance counselor that any of you would love to have your children work with and learn from. Erin has a kind and creative spirit and truly cares about children. Plus she definitely understands the importance of introducing yoga and mindfulness to children so they will have these skills for life.
Erin shared with me how she uses the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards when she works with students in her elementary classrooms. She has loved using these pose cards with her students as they are visual, age-appropriate, and include simple yet memorable mantras.
Each yoga pose card has a corresponding empowering mantras for success such as “I am strong” or “I am fair and equal.” This ensures that the students are not only receiving the health benefits of each pose, but also the mental and mindfulness benefits as well.
Erin shared with me one incredible activity and lesson plan that she did with her students that I wanted to pass along. This lesson could be done anytime throughout the school year, but would tie in nicely with the beginning of the school year, Thanksgiving or a kindness theme.
Mantras and Mindfulness Kids Yoga Lesson Plan
This lesson would work well with children
ages 5-11.
First, brainstorm with the students about positive qualities that they see in themselves. For example being kind, honest, hardworking, caring, strong, etc. Write these qualities on the board.
Next, the students took the “hand template” and wrote qualities that described themselves. They did this by writing around the hand template. 
Finally, the students were able to put the yoga poses and mantras for success together to practice and perform. This absolutely made the lesson even more memorable as it ties together so many different types of student learning such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning. 
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Want more kids yoga lesson plans?
by sara | Mar 1, 2017 | Kids Yoga Lesson Plan
If there is one person you could definitely entrust with teaching your young little kiddos about kindness, fun, and yoga; it would definitely be Erin Leach of Mama Bear Yoga.
Erin is the founder of Mama Bear Yoga which provides a safe space for all children to be themselves and for their caregivers to connect with them in that moment. By incorporating basic tenets of yoga, such as breathing, mindfulness, and affirmation, Mama Bear Yoga helps lay the groundwork for happy, healthy, and balanced children who will grow into happy, healthy, and balanced adults.
I had the pleasure of meeting Erin last Fall at the National Kids Yoga Conference in Washington D.C. I was new to the area and when I found out that this midwestern
gal would need to take the city subway to get around, I had a more than a slight raise of of my heartrate.
Then along came Erin. Admittedly, I pretty much chased her down in our hotel lobby to ask if she was also going to the Kids Yoga Conference. I do pride myself on a pretty good judge of character and she seemed like someone I could definitely trust. The fact that she was also carrying a yoga mat didn’t hurt matters as fellow yoga enthusiasts tend to be pretty friendly.
Erin navigated me through the underground mysteries of the Subway system, had incredible patience and taught me well. If she is this good with adults, imagine how she is with toddlers and preschoolers.
Many things impressed me about Erin, but as you read this interview, you will also see what a true gift she is to children and I am so excited for you to get to know her.
GGYfK: How did you first get interested in being a kids yoga instructor? It seems like such a natural fit for you.
Erin: I have been practicing yoga myself since I was in college, and it has been so beneficial for me, both physically and emotionally. In my first career as an elementary school teacher and counselor, I used yoga informally all the time with my students, and I saw firsthand how beneficial it was for them. When I attended my first official kids’ yoga training, I wasn’t planning on becoming an instructor. My plan was to get renewal credits toward my counseling license and maybe learn some fun yoga-related activities to do with my own children at home, but after the first evening, I knew that this was what I wanted to do. Teaching kids yoga just made sense and felt right to me. I took more trainings and became certified to teach and the rest is history!
GGYfK: We are so glad that you decided that! How did the name Mama Bear yoga originate?
Erin: One of my favorite yoga poses that I learned in my ChildLight Yoga training is “Baby Bear.” It looks like Happy Baby, but you rock side to side and sing the words “baby bear” as you are doing it. It is so sweet to see mamas and their little ones practicing Baby Bear pose together. Once when I was telling the some friends this story, we all knew at once it had to be Mama Bear Yoga!
GGYfK:Why did you decide to focus on the younger kids?
Erin: I have always had a passion for teaching young children. I was a first grade teacher for many years; however, I think a big part of why I chose to focus on this age group as a yoga teacher is because this was the age of my own children when I first got started. I could really relate to toddlers and preschoolers because I had two of my own at home, and I was going through many of the same experiences as the moms who were bringing their children to my classes. Kids at this young age say the funniest things and always liven up any situation.
GGYfK:Tell us about one of these memorable or funny experiences while teaching kids yoga!
Erin: Oh my goodness–I have a running list of funny things kids have said at yoga class. I walk away from every class I teach with at least one memorable quote! One of my favorite toddler-isms that seems to be almost universal happens when I teach them the word “namaste.” Even in toddler class, we close our practice by singing “namaste,” and every time, at least one or two of the children sing “Mama-stay.” I think it is so sweet, and it amazes me that all toddlers seem to do it!
GGYfK: That is so sweet! I love that story. What is one thing that all parents/caregivers should do with or know about kids at this age?
Erin: Toddlers and preschoolers are pretty unpredictable. You never really know how they are going to react (or when they are going to have a meltdown), especially in new situations. Aparigraha is a yoga term that means “non-attachment,” and I think that this practice is so important when you are a parent. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t form an attachment with your toddler–obviously a strong and secure parent-child bond should be established early in life (and you can strengthen this bond by practicing yoga together!). What I mean is that you cannot attach yourself to their behavior. When they are having a meltdown in the grocery store or they are in yoga class refusing to participate or they are displaying any sort of challenging behavior, you need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that you cannot control their behavior. You CAN, however, control how you respond to it. Many times, this little pause is all it takes to help you resolve the situation smoothly.
As you can tell, Erin, is very knowledgeable about this young age and cares deeply about inspiring young kids and really making a difference in their lives. Stay with us as Erin shares with us some of her tried and true lesson ideas for using yoga with these young ages of kids. You will not want to miss it!
by sara | Jan 11, 2017 | Kids Yoga Lesson Plan
I am always on the lookout for new kids yoga products and fresh ideas to implement in my school and yoga classroom. When I first met Kerry Wekelo at the National Kids Yoga Conference, I knew immediately she had creative ideas and a huge passion and heart for kids and for making our world a better place.
Kerry Wekelo is the creator of the Zendoway Cubes and the author of several children’s books that facilitate learning and enhancing your body each and every day. Just wait until you hold some of these fun squeezable cubes in your hands! They are the perfect addition to school and home for nourishing your mind and body.
Kerry created the Zendoway Cubes based on her knowledge of meditation, intuition, insight, and community. Her company, Zendoway, is about incorporating the lessons and community from thousands of year old practices into modern daily life through her products and coaching support.
Kerry is constantly developing and creating new and different products and she definitely knows that creative process cannot be forced. Being active and balanced in her business, community, and family has helped Kerry place priorities where they matter.
Please check out Kerry’s amazing and squeezable Zendoway Cubes and award winning children’s books.