by sara | Oct 16, 2017 | Presenting
Go Go Yoga for Kids was thrilled to be a part of of the 4th annual National Kids Yoga Conference (NKYC) which is held in the Washington DC area each Fall. This year the conference was held in Alexandria, VA, which is a quick 15-minute metro
ride or car ride from Reagan National Airport.
This conference is designed for adults to bring yoga and mindfulness to our next generation. This is done through sponsors, keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and vendors.
This year was a bit different for me for a couple of reasons compared to last
year’s NKYC conference. First I was a sponsor and vendor which allowed me to have a different experience and perspective.
I also traveled completely on my own from Des Moines, Iowa, by plane, train (metro), and automobile (Uber). This truly allowed me to have an appreciation for different opportunities to try new things.
I am so thankful for the opportunity to meet and connect with so many different people from all over the US, Canada,
and beyond. It made my weekend to hear the positive comments from others who have used our resources with the Go Go Yoga for Kids Guide, the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards or had taken one of our Kids Yoga 101 online courses.
It was an incredible feeling to be able to put real faces with names and hear about how they were using it with children. Hearing their stories really made all of the time, effort, and energy all worthwhile.

Teresa Power, the brain and energy behind International Kids Yoga Day is just as amazing and kind in person.
I loved meeting with the founder of International Kids Yoga Day, Teresa Power. I have been a yoga ambassador with this incredible event for the past two years. She amazes me with how much she has done to introduce yoga to children all over the year. She has also been a big supporter of Go Go Yoga for Kids so it was wonderful to actually meet in person.

Susan Verde and I agreed that we are definitely fans of one another’s work.
Susan Verde, bestselling author of I am Yoga, was also there with her beautiful new book, I am Peace. She is the true example of bringing yoga and mindfulness to children in kid-friendly ways. Susan has also so kind to appreciate Go Go Yoga for Kids from our very beginning.
The people at the National Kids Yoga Conference are the real deal as they are kind, caring and inspiring. The breakout sessions are amazing, but it is truly about connecting with one another.
It made my heart happy to be surrounded by so many individuals that truly care about children and strive to give them the tools and techniques to be calm, mindful, and healthy leaders for our future.

My friend, Kerry Wekelo, founder of Zendoway and her amazing daughter, Aubrey showing off some partner poses.
You might also like: Quick Takeaways from the National Kids Yoga Conference.
by sara | Sep 6, 2017 | Kids Yoga Lesson Plan
I am so excited to return to Washington DC in just a few weeks for the National
Kids Yoga Conference. Last year was my first time attending this event and I left connected, inspired, and energized to continue introducing children to yoga.
Just a year ago, Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Using Yoga with Kids had just been released and I was nervous yet excited to share it with other fellow kids yoga teacher enthusiasts.
I will never forget how I tentatively pulled it out of my bag and shared it briefly during a relevant breakout session. It is definitely the introvert in me as well as probably my mid western roots, but I often feel uncomfortable talking about myself. I had worked hard on this book, yes, and it was everything that I would have wanted to know and have when I first started teaching yoga to children. I just didn’t want it to be about me.
A wise friend once reminded me, it is not about me, it is about sharing something with others that can truly help them. I do truly have others’ best interests in mind and absolutely believe this book and other resources can truly benefit and help others, adults and kids, enjoy the fun and benefits of yoga.
The kids yoga community is kind. I heard several times at the NKYC conference how there is enough room for everyone and everything. We are all working together to help spread the joy, fun, and benefits of yoga to children.
While I am thinking of kindness, one incredible person jumps to mind instantly,
Kerry Wekelo of Zendoway. We met at the National Kids Yoga Conference last year and she has the biggest heart and giving spirit that comes completely naturally and just ebbs from her.
Zendoway is a sponsor for NKYC this year and has invited Go Go Yoga for Kids to be a part of it as well.
My plane ticket is bought, my books and kids yoga pose cards are ready to share, and I can’t wait to learn and connect with others.
by sara | Oct 8, 2016 | Kids Yoga Lesson Plan

Checking into NKYC with my new friend, Erin Leech, of Mama Bear Yoga.
Kids Yoga is on the move! The 3rd National Kids Yoga conference just wrapped up in Washington D.C. Nearly 200 yoga teachers, educators, mental health professionals and parents gathered for a weekend of professional development, connecting and inspired.
Inspired and energized we were! Attendees could choose from a variety of sessions based on the topics of yoga in the school, current research, tools to use, yoga as a business and even a teen track.

Donna Freemen of Yoga in My School

Jodi Komitor of Next Generation Yoga
These women, along with many others, have been trendsetters with Kids Yoga for many years. I loved how they were approachable, authentic and friendly they were to all. They not only inspired and empowered us with their knowledge, but they were so complimentary and supportive of one another. More thoughts on this and NKYC to come!
Registration for the National Kids Yoga Conference is already open for 2017. Go Go Yoga Kids plans to be there and is already mapping out possible presentation ideas! Please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts. I would love to help you get plugged into the excitement and rewarding journey of kids yoga!
by sara | Oct 2, 2016 | Kids Yoga Lesson Plan
National Kids Yoga Conference 2016
Whew…what a weekend! Kids Yoga is absolutely on the move. You can just feel t
he excitement and creative energy mounting. The 3rd National Kids Yoga Conference just wrapped up in Washington D.C. and Go Go Yoga Kids got to be a part of it.
Nearly 200 yoga teachers, educators, mental health professionals and parents gathered for a weekend of professional development, connecting and inspiration.
We just wanted to get a few quick takeaways out. Stay tuned for more!
“It’s kids yoga. Not adult yoga. Let kids be kids.” Jodi Komitor of Next Generation Yoga
“Let others know they matter.” Molly Barker, founder of Girls on the Run.
“Its ok to be successful.” Shari Vilchez-Blatt, Karma Kids Yoga
“Keep it fun. Keep it Yoga.” Shakta Khalsa, Radiant Child Yoga
by sara | Sep 12, 2016 | Presenting
Go Go Yoga Kids will soon be headed to Washington DC for the National Kids Yoga Conference held September 30th-October 2, 2016. We can hardly wait for NKYC! 
It will be a weekend filled with all of the movers, shakers, authors, teachers, and instigators of kids yoga. There will be so much to learn, experience and take away from these great leaders. Perfect for parents, teachers and anyone who loves kids and yoga.
Will any of you fellow readers be there? If so, I would love to connect with you! If you can’t make it, no worries, Go Go Yoga Kids has you covered!
Go Go Yoga Kids will have special daily updates during NKYC and giveaways from the conference JUST for you. Would you like to be part of this inner circle of NKYC news and takeaways for the weekend?
If so, send an e-mail to with the subject line “I’m In!” and we will put you in our exclusive group to recieve the latest, greatest and the insider’s scoop on NKYC.