Yoga Mirror is a fun yoga game that allows kids to practice yoga poses and take turns being the leader.
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Why Kids Love to Play Yoga Mirror:
Yoga Mirror is a wonderful game to practice slowing down, mindfulness and working together. I know that kids learn best by doing as opposed to us telling them about how to do it.
With Yoga Mirror, one child gets to be the leader and their partner needs to follow them exactly. This is empowering and fun for kids!
How to Play Yoga Mirror:
- With Yoga Mirror, one child gets to be the leader and their partner needs to follow them exactly.
- The leader needs to move very very slowly so their partner can keep up. It is almost as if you are looking into a mirror and seeing the movements happen at the same time.
- I like to have the partners begin facing one another.
- Model how slow they will move such as raising one hand and then the other, rolling their neck or looking up at the ceiling.
- Once they have that mastered they can begin moving slowing into Cat/Cow stretches, Warrior 1 or other poses that allow them to still face one another so they can keep track of what is happening.

Over 150 yoga games and mindfulness exercises are found in our bestselling book; Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities.
Leader Notes:
- By letting kids take a turn being in charge and making decisions on what poses they are going to do, allows a deeper level of understanding. It is the simple act of doing, rather than telling.
- Be sure to jump in and play along too. That makes it even extra special. How often do children get to lead and have adults follow? They love it!
- Allow children to change who is the leader and follower each time.
- Allow each turn to last 45 seconds to a minute. They do not need long!

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