How to Use Mantras and Moving Meditation with Kids
We live in a fast-paced world and so do our children. How can we, as adults and teachers, help children connect with themselves and others and also enjoy the moments that we are in? What we think about ourselves can often impact how we develop. If we feel we are...
How to Begin Your Kids Yoga Class
Congratulations on taking the time to truly gain an understanding of why each part of a kids yoga class is important. By following our everything will easily fall into place for you and your students. A well-thought-out and organized lesson plan will create more...
5 Easy Ways to Add Yoga to Your Child’s Day
In our super fast-paced world today, it is more important than ever to help our kids find ways to relax and stay physically active. Yoga will help with movement, mindfulness, and deep breathing and is an excellent way to find this balance. By adding a few moments of...
Kids Yoga Product Giveaway
See our E-Store for immediate access to all kids yoga lesson plans, games, and poses
How to Help Kids Transition Back to School with Yoga
I just love the fresh start feeling of a new school year. As a teacher and a parent myself, I understand that we want our children to be in a collaborative, creative, calm and supported classroom environment. The good news is that by easily incorporating...
How to Play Summer Beach Ball Yoga
Summer is here! Get ready to play a favorite Summer Yoga Game!. One of my favorite things about teaching yoga for kids is that there are so many fun and creative ways to introduce poses. I love creating a yoga game for kids and Beach Ball Yoga is one of my favorite...
St. Patrick’s Day Kids Yoga Fun for All Ages
St. Patrick's Day Yoga Lesson Plan Get ready to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with these lucky and fun poses for St. Patrick's Day yoga, games, breathing exercises and more. These yoga poses and games are perfect for home, school, and studio. Get the full lesson...
5 Yoga Poses That Will Open Your Heart & Mind
Try these five heart-opening yoga valentine poses with children this Valentine holiday. These heart-opening exercises are especially beneficial for kids and adults who spend the majority of their day slouched in desks at school and work or with their heads bent over...
The Best of Kids Yoga
Happy New Year! It has been a wonderful year for Go Go Yoga for Kids. We have loved bringing the joy and fun of yoga to thousands of others through our Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Books, Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards, App, and most importantly our online Kids Yoga &...