Win a Free Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training with Go Go Yoga for Kids

Win a Free Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training with Go Go Yoga for Kids

Join us in our popular online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training! Enter for your chance to win a FREE enrollment in our online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training.

This training can be completed at your own pace and time with personal ongoing support from our community and resources.

yoga mirror
Learn how to easily & effectively teach yoga and mindfulness to children of all ages.

Contest will end October 5, 2020 and winner will announced through email. This offer is valued at $249 USD.

Enter to Win a Free Kids Yoga Teacher Training with Go Go Yoga for Kids here.

how to teach yoga to kids
Kids Need Yoga Too! Become a Kids Yoga Teacher in less than a weekend

See everything included in our popular online Teacher Training

kids yoga and mindfulness Teacher Training

Get Ready to Discover…

  • The secrets of teaching yoga to children.
  • Proven class management strategies so your classes flow effortlessly
  •  Exact breathing exercises for calming and relaxing children.
  • The best yoga poses for growing kids
  • Yoga games galore that they will want to play again and again.
  • How to efficiently and easily plan a kids yoga class from beginning to end.
  • The best yoga props to use with children to make class memorable.
  • How to really create mindfulness in children
  • Proven strategies to manage and motivate your students so your class run seamlessly
  • Everything you need to know on how to teach yoga to children professionally.

If you’re looking to teach kids yoga and mindfulness, this is the place to begin. No yoga experience required.

Our online teacher training is open to those who want to introduce yoga to children in healthy and engaging ways including:

  • Educators
  • Parents
  • Health-Care Professionals
  • Other Child-Focused Professionals

Join over 5,500 others from all over the world with our Go Go Yoga for Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher Training.

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Zen Garden Tutorial for Kids

Zen Garden Tutorial for Kids

Make Your Own Mini Zen Garden with Kids

Discover how to make your own Mini Zen Garden. This is a perfect mindful activity for children and adults! 

A Zen Garden is a simple item to make with kids and it is absolutely loved by all ages. It is also an easy strategy to help kids relax and calm down after a busy day or stressful time. I also love how it can be used indoors at any time and doesn’t take up much space!

When I think on all the times I’ve done art activities with children, it is truly a time that has allowed for creativity, self-expression and connecting. Our hands were busy, and the creative juices were flowing.

The creativity and self-expression that shines when a child is involved in crafting and creating is important in childhood development.

Merging yoga with craft time will only expand the benefits children receive as they move their bodies and allow imaginations to flow.

Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children

How to make your own Mini Zen Garden is included in our new bestselling book, Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities includes over 150 activities to keep kids engaged, thinking creatively, and practicing self-expression.

How to Make a Mini Zen Garden:


  • Baby plates or a container that won’t break easily
  • sand
  • rocks, crystals, melted crayon (for jewels!) or any other small item
  • wooden or plastic fork


Add sand to your container. Include rocks, or crystals. Use your rake (fork) to draw designs in the sand.

See More Yoga Crafts and Activities Below:


When you become inspired through your creating your energy is lifted. Just like yoga, there are a number of benefits that come along with crafting, which is known to help kids develop fine motor skills, teaches children to follow instruction while also allowing them to express themselves, and creates bonds, whether that’s with a parent, teacher, or peer.

Exploring art with children is the perfect way to connect. This is true for all ages!

  • kids yoga app

How to Make a Bath Bomb

How to Make a Bath Bomb

It is so important to think not just about physical health, but also our emotional and mental health. This is true note only for adults, but especially the kids that we love and care about.

One easy and fun way to increase the well being of kids is through simple art and mindfulness art therapy.

In our newest book; Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities, we share our favorite kids yoga crafts and activities. These crafts and activities are perfect for home, school, camps and clubs.

Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children
New Book Release! Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children

How to Make Your Very Own Bath Bomb:


•1 cup of baking soda

•1/4 cup cream of tartar

•1/2 cup of salt

•1/2 cup of cornstarch

•2 tablespoons essential oil

•1 tablespoon oil

•2 drops of food coloring

•Spray bottle full of water

How to Make:

1. Whisk one cup of baking soda, 1/4 cream of tartar, 1/2 a cup of salt, 1/2 a cup of cornstarch together in a glass or stainless-steel bowl

2. In a separate bowl measure 2 teaspoons of essential oil, 1 tablespoon of oil, and 2 drops of food coloring

3. Slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients while stirring

4. Spritz the mixture with a water bottle until the mixture is crumbly but holds shape

5. Fill a mold with the mixture packing as tightly as you can

6. Let the mixture set overnight before removing it from the mold

7. The bath bomb is ready for use!

The Stirring of the Bath Bomb!

Looking for more simple art and mindfulness therapy ideas you can do with kids?

Learn how to make this Super Simple Slime.

Learn how to Create Your Own Zen Garden.

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Kids Yoga Podcast with Go Go Yoga for Kids

Kids Yoga Podcast with Go Go Yoga for Kids

This week The Kids Yoga Podcast is joined by Sara Weis, Founder of Go Go Yoga for Kids. They discuss how a running injury led Sara to yoga and how she became inspired to teach kids yoga and start her own company.

Sara shares how her perspective as a mother and teacher gave her further inspiration to author Go Go Yoga for Kids books, The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards, and the Kids Yoga Challenge App. Sara has taught thousands of children and led teacher trainings for adults. Listen in now for some inspiration!

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Why You Should Teach Yoga to Kids

# 1. Kids Need Yoga Now

Our world is changing, and our kids face different challenges and commitments then they have in the past. There are many demands on kids’ time and pressure to do well at what they are involved in. This includes school, family, friends, sports, quickly changing technology, and other interests. That leaves us with kids who have a lot going on as they try to figure out a way to balance it all.

Not only that, but we know that our world has changed with the pandemic. It is important to continue to help continue to connect with one another (online or in person) as well as teaching them the yoga and mindfulness tools that can carry them into adulthood.

Kids need to learn how to responsibly handle the world we live in.  Yoga and mindfulness are skill that can benefit all kids no matter what activities they are involved in or what their interests and abilities are. Yoga meets everyone at any stage and provides incredible extrinsic and intrinsic benefits. Discover the Super 7 Benefits of Yoga for Children here. 

Kids that practice yoga are getting stronger mentally and physically. They are healthy, strong, and more confident. Not only this, but it can help them in school, in their extracurricular activities and absolutely in their day to day lives.

#2 It is Easier to Teach Yoga to Children Now More Than Ever

When I first started teaching yoga to children there were not a lot of resources available about the best ways to teach children yoga.   Since children learn and respond differently than adults I knew yoga had to be taught differently than in adult classes. Discover 3 Things You Didn’t Know About Teaching Yoga to Children here.

kids yoga class
Our growing and changing world has helped us rethink how to can best teach yoga and mindfulness to children.

I used my background in Early Childhood and my Master’s Degree in Education as I reviewed and researched child development and the best ways that children learn. I had to figure it out and spent hours and hours researching, writing kids yoga lesson plans, trying them out with kids, and modifying to know exactly what works for teaching yoga to children.

I wanted these kids yoga lesson plans and classes to be engaging, beneficial, and memorable for kids.

Go Go Yoga for Kids prides itself on making yoga for children doable and FUN for the kids AND you to teach. I want you to succeed in teaching yoga to children. 

I am excited to share 20+ years of teaching kids compiled for you into our popular online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training.  I spent years figuring out what works and what doesn’t work for teaching kids yoga. I researched, tried, and tested during hundreds of kids yoga classes until I figured out what really worked! Stop wasting your time trying to piece random things into something that works.

I want to make this easy for you. I want you to be able to completely go into any kids environment (studios, camps, clubs, classes, at home) and confidently introduce children to yoga. I know you can give those children quality and inspiring classes. It is so exciting and truly makes such a positive difference.

#3 It is About Making a Difference

Kids yoga training

There is nothing like seeing the kids faces full of contentment at the end of Savasana (Discover how to easily get children into Savasana here). It is also about watching the kids master a pose after working on it for weeks. It is about seeing a child take a few deep breaths before starting a test or before a soccer game. These kids are in tune with what their bodies need and that is so important. It is all about giving children the tools that they will have for life. 

Our online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training will help with this. You can make a difference.  I will show you exactly how to do this every step of the way.

Want to learn more about how to develop age appropriate content and resources to teach yoga to children? Check out my Facebook Live Interview here with the step by step process!

kids yoga app
The Kids Yoga Challenge App includes 40 yoga poses, partner poses, mindfulness affirmations, and games & activities.

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Kids Yoga & Mindfulness for Anxiety

Yoga & Mindfulness Art Activities

Mini Yoga Brain Breaks for Kids

How to Make Slime at Home

How to Make Slime at Home

Who doesn’t love slime?!💚 Learn to make slime at home for kids of all ages to enjoy.🌸⠀

Learn how to make your own slimiest of slime! Our newest book Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children includes over 150 Yoga Games & Activities for Children!

Games and activities that are perfect for home, school, camps, and clubs!

Learn how to make your own slime below:

Easy to Make Slime Ingredients:

•2 bottles of school glue

•1 to 2 drops of liquid food coloring

•1/4 cup of glitter

•1 teaspoon baking soda

•2 to 3 tablespoons saline solution (like contact lens solution)

kids yoga app
The Kids Yoga Challenge App available on Apple and Android.

How to Make Slime at Home:

1. Pour the glue in a medium bowl and stir in food coloring and glitter

2. Add the baking soda and stir until smooth

3. Pour in 2 tablespoons of the contact lens solution and stir slowly until it begins to harden

4. Mix until a shape forms

5. Knead by hand until smooth. If it’s too slimy add another 1/2 tablespoon of contact lens solution

The Amazing Slime

Check Out More Fun Yoga & Mindfulness Activities for Kids

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