5 Yoga Poses That Will Open Your Heart & Mind

5 Yoga Poses That Will Open Your Heart & Mind

Try these five heart-opening yoga valentine poses with children this Valentine holiday. These heart-opening exercises are especially beneficial for kids and adults who spend the majority of their day slouched in desks at school and work or with their heads bent over screens and books.

These exercises take only minutes and will help improve posture and release back and neck tension as well as create openness in your body and mind.

All of these heart-opening yoga poses can be found in our Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards that are available for immediate download and on Amazon.

5 Heart Opening Yoga Poses

  1. Cat to Cow Pose: Begin on your hands and knees. Next round your back and tuck your chin into your chest as if you are a cat. Then look up, arch your back and open your chest into Cow Pose. This is a great way to strengthen your spine and begin to feel your heart-opening.
  2. Updog Pose: Lie on your tummy. Place the palms of your hands next to your shoulders and lookup. Slowly straighten your arms and open your chest. It is okay to keep arms bent as well.

  3. Bridge or Wheel Pose: Kids love trying to get into Wheel Pose, but this huge heart opener is not easily accessible for all. For an easier but still effective heart opener, try Bridge Pose. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Rest your arms alongside your body, tuck your chin into your chest, and lift your back to create a bridge.
  4. Camel Pose: Take this pose slowly and feel your heart open. Get on your knees, lean back slowly, and place your hands on your lower back or ankles. Tilt your head back, open your chest, and breathe.
  5. Bow Pose: Lie on your tummy, bend your knees, and lift your chest. Reach your arms back toward your toes and hold onto your feet. Let your heart shine!
bow pose yoga

Bow Pose becomes easier to try after practicing with The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose

Get Ready to Teach Yoga & Mindfulness to Children!

Make A Difference!

Learn more about our online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training

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The Best of Kids Yoga

The Best of Kids Yoga

Happy New Year! It has been a wonderful year for Go Go Yoga for Kids. We have loved bringing the joy and fun of yoga to thousands of others through our Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Books, Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards, App, and most importantly our online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training. We have now certified over 3500 people from all over the world and are sharing the love and joy of kids yoga with others.

I have always loved reflecting on the year and thinking about how we can help even more others in the next year. I am also such a fan of “Year-End Reviews” and “Best of” Lists. So without much further ado…

Here are your Top Kids Yoga Favorite Posts from this year:

5. Kids Need Yoga! Don’t Miss These 7 Super Benefits of Yoga for Children

4. Simple Ways to Get Children to Listen (that you haven’t tried)

3. Mini Yoga Brain Breaks for Kids

kids yoga class
“The Light in Me Sees the Light in You. Namaste” at a recent kids yoga class

2. How to Create an Epic Kids Yoga Obstacle Course

1.The Top 5 Secrets to Teaching Yoga to Kids

yoga game
Children Love Practicing Their Poses with Yoga Games

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Kids Yoga Teacher Training Black Friday Sale

Kids Yoga Teacher Training Black Friday Sale

Do Not Miss Our Biggest Sale of the Year!


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Online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training



kids yoga teacher introduction training

Kids Yoga Teacher Introduction Training

Use code BLACKFRIDAYNOW at checkout to save 30%

NOThis means you get your Kids Yoga & Mindfulness training, personal certification, lesson plans, lifetime access to the training PLUS personalized support at our lowest price. This is such an amazing opportunity for our comprehensive and complete kids yoga trainings. All online and completed at your pace with my support every step of the way!

Your Choice of 2 Complete Kids Yoga Teacher Trainings

Use code BLACKFRIDAYNOW to Save 30% off your Enrollment


If you have ever even thought about teaching yoga to children, then this is definitely the perfect opportunity!

Yes, it is true! Now I know you are thinking…what an incredible deal and I really do want to begin making a difference with kids, but this is a busy time for me right now.

I totally get that! The best news is that you can begin this training anytime you want right from the comfort of your couch or bed (my preference!).

🏁 I guarantee that within a week of just starting our Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training, you will be making a positive difference in the lives of the children you love and care about!

⭐ Bonus: When you enroll you also receive access to our all-new Live Kids Yoga Class Examples from beginning to end!

I remember when I first started teaching yoga to children. All I wanted to see was actual teaching and kids yoga in action! Now you can view an early childhood class, a school-age class, and an engaging tween & teen yoga class.

Enjoy this opportunity, It won’t last long, grab this opportunity and start making a difference in the lives of the children you care about!

Remember to use BLACKFRIDAYNOW at checkout to save 30% off your enrollment.

Compete in the Kids Yoga Winter Olympics Lesson Plan

Compete in the Kids Yoga Winter Olympics Lesson Plan

Over the next few week elite athletes try their best and go for the gold. Have some family fun with these Winter Olympics yoga poses.

The Winter Olympics are here! Over the next few weeks, millions of people will tune in from all over the world to watch elite athletes try their best and go for the gold. Have some family fun with these Winter Olympics yoga poses.

First, warm up your body from the inside with an Olympic breathing exercise. Athletes need to have a strong breath to compete at this level. Since it is the Winter Olympics, you need to breathe in deeply and raise your arms above your head in the shape of an O (for Olympics). Then, lower your arms and exhale strongly as if you are trying to see your breath in this winter weather. Repeat several times.

Now that your bodies are good and warm, it is time for snowboarding. Move into Warrior 2 Pose with your feet wide apart.

Warrior 2

Bend your front knee and extend your arms so they are parallel to the ground. For an extra challenge try to complete a 180-degree turn.  Jump midair in this position as you switch lead legs. Try to have some “hang time!

Next, it is time to go skiing. Move into Chair Pose as you bend your knees and bring your arms up overhead. Breathe deeply as you move your arms up and down as if you are skiing down a hill. Try to lift up on the balls of your feet and lower them as your arms move as well.

chair pose

Hop into your bobsled with Boat Pose. Begin seated with your feet flat on the floor. Keep your spine straight as you raise your legs and bring your body into a “V” shape. Sway a little right and left as if you were on a sled.

Boat Pose

Our last event is Ice Skating in Airplane Pose. Place your weight onto your right leg. Next, extend your left leg straight and strong behind you. Work toward lifting your arms in front of you. Breathe deeply as if you are gliding on the ice. Switch legs and continue practicing.

Find all of these Olympic Winter Yoga Poses and more in our newly updated Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.


The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards


Have fun bringing the Winter Olympics to your home, classroom, or studio with these themed yoga poses.

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The Ultimate Kids Yoga Teacher Introduction Course

The Ultimate Kids Yoga Teacher Introduction Course

The Kids Yoga Teacher Introduction Course will teach everything that you need to know before teaching yoga to children!

Learn Exactly What You Need to Begin Teaching Yoga to Children Right Away

  • Live Kids Yoga Class Examples from Beginning to End
  • Step-by-Step Lesson Plans
  • Yoga Pose Visuals
  • The Most Important Parts of Your Kids Yoga Class

Included Full Length Kids Yoga Classes:

  • Preschool/Early Childhood 
  • School Ages 5-12
  • Teen & Tween
  • All Ages Family Yoga

Plus….Lesson Plan Extensions

Discover the importance of having a “bag of tricks” or additional ideas to add into your class in case something isn’t working, you need to modify, differentiate or you have additional time to fill.

Each Live Kids Yoga Class includes a lesson recap that includes:

  • Yoga poses and games to differentiate for varying levels and skills
  • Additional read aloud books  to include in your class
  • What you can do differently to accommodate different age groups and abilities.

Downloadable Lesson Plans & Yoga Pose Visuals

  • Complete step-by-step kids yoga lesson plans
  • Printable yoga pose visuals to use in class for practice and games
  • Fun, engaging and diverse Kids Yoga Themes such as Blast into Space, Building Confidence, Animal Yoga & More.

Each live kids yoga class includes:

  • A complete 35-45 minute long class
  • Downloadable lesson plans that you can follow along with and then use for your classes
  • Yoga pose visuals that match perfectly with the lesson plan and are also needed for using with kids for games and practice.
  • Plus A video recap with lesson extensions including why I did what I did, what you could change to differentiate for varying levels and needs,  how you could make the lesson longer or shorter depending on your class needs plus ways to differentiate.
  • Not only that, but I will teach you the Fail Proof Easy way to plan your kids yoga lessons. These are lessons that kids will remember and will have them excited for yoga.

This is exactly what I wanted when I began teaching yoga to kids. No more spending your time and energy trying to piece things together. Discover what really works in teaching yoga to kids!