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Go Go Yoga Kids will soon be headed to Washington DC for the National Kids Yoga Conference held September 30th-October 2, 2016. We can hardly wait for NKYC! National Kids Yoga Conference button

It will be a weekend filled with all of the movers, shakers, authors, teachers, and instigators of kids yoga. There will be so much to learn, experience and take away from these great leaders. Perfect for parents, teachers and anyone who loves kids and yoga.

Will any of you fellow readers be there? If so, I would love to connect with you! If you can’t make it, no worries, Go Go Yoga Kids has you covered!

Go Go Yoga Kids will have special daily updates during NKYC and giveaways from the conference JUST for you. Would you like to be part of this inner circle of NKYC news and takeaways for the weekend?

If so, send an e-mail to sara@gogoyogakids.com with the subject line  “I’m In!” and we will put you in our exclusive group to recieve the latest, greatest and the insider’s scoop on NKYC.